When I make an Axios call with the base URL http://localhost:3700
(the backend API from my local computer), it automatically changes the base URL to the one provided by Project IDX. I’ve done the same thing for other projects in Project IDX, and it worked perfectly, allowing me to connect to localhost. However, with current project (using REACT with VITE) that i’m working on, the URL changes, and I can’t connect to my local computer
If I understand your question: your backend server is running on your local machine and frontend is running on idx?
If that’s the case the connection won’t work since IDX run on a completely different machine and won’t be able to communicate with your local machines localhost… Both frontend and backend will need to be running on idx
Hope this makes sense
You need to expose the port from your local computer, if you are using vscode there is an easy solution, press ctrl +~ and terminal will open on the bottom side then there is a option called port, click it and there will be an option to expose the port, then make the port visibility to public and copy the url and paste it in your ID frontend and you are all set.
Just remember that localhost is for local computer only, maybe you need to get some knowledge on localhost.