Hey guys! I am using prism accelerate in my project. The project is connecting normally to the database, as I created a docker in the project itself.
However, accelerate needs to have access to this docker, in a postgresql://… url, but the same path that I put in the .env, does not work in accelerate, it gives this error:
[auth][error] CallbackRouteError: Read more at https://errors.authjs.dev#callbackrouteerror
[auth][cause]: PrismaClientKnownRequestError:
Invalid prisma.user.findUnique()
This request could not be understood by the server: {“type”:“UnknownJsonError”,“body”:{“code”:“P6008”,“message”:“Accelerate was not able to connect to your database. The underlying error is: Health Check of Query Engine timed out.”}} (The request id was: 8bebbd125f68b4e6)
at Hr.handleRequestError
how can I do this?