Cursor disappears after web reload


I’m not sure if this is only happening to Flutter web previews, but that’s what I’m using at the moment, and it occurs even if I’m using a different device. When I start updating my code, the web preview is reloading as usual, but the cursor disappears from the IDE once the preview is loaded and I can’t type in it until I click on the IDE. This is inconvenient for me because I have to refocus my cursor to the IDE over and over again after the preview is loaded. This is not happening to IDX before.

So far, my only workaround here is to disable auto reloading, since I’m okay to manually reload the preview myself. I figured out if I set both “Flutter Hot Reload On Save” and “Hot Reload On Save” to “never” or “manual”, this problem should disappear, but it seems like it didn’t work either; hot reload still triggers on auto save. That’s why my last resort is to disable auto save to prevent auto reload, which is not okay for me since I still want the auto save functionality to be there instead of manually saving the code.

In conclusion, I have two concerns: (1) Cursor disappears after Flutter web reload; and (2) “Flutter Hot Reload On Save” and “Hot Reload On Save” options are not working properly.

Thank you guys in advance for your responses!

I have faced the same issue when one of the text fields have focus then I have not be able to edit or type in the editor until I click back on the editor… Not sure if you have any auto focus on your text field you can try to remove that and see if it fixes it at least temporarily

I don’t have any text field or any autofocus mechanism in my app

You can disable the auto save feature in vscode via the menu!