Did folks with this Error find a FIX? Suspicious Activity - Error message restricting access to your workspace

I have been seeing this message since OCT 17, 2024

Error opening workspace: We’ve detected suspicious activity on one of your workspaces. Please contact support for further assistance

This is what’s happening:

  • Cant access any of the workspaces
  • Cant create new workspaces
  • Sharing the workspaces with others is also restricting the access for them.

Were anyone of you, from past or present experiences, manage to find a solution?

Thanks for flagging this. We are working with the team that manages abuse to help rollback some automated changes that are incorrectly flagging accounts such as yours.

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Thanks for looking into this. :slightly_smiling_face:

I just checked. I am able to access my workspace now.

What a relief ! Thank you so much Support Team :heart_eyes:

Do we need to ask here to be unflagged?

This was a misdetection on our end. Please let us know if anyone still has trouble accessing the workspace. Sorry folks.

I’m still getting the error

Can you try again now? All affected users should be unblocked.
If you are still seeing the error, can you mention the affected workspace or email.

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