Download as app?

Some shortcuts get overriden by the brower so I was curious if it is possible to save a PWA? Or if there’s an electron variant?

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probably has to do with local storage, or better still, integrated directly in idx.

electron ''
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When you’re done with build you can locate the file by using the (Ctrl + Click) and right on the file and select as download as Zip or Zip Download

The chrome shortcut to do this changed! I had to go to SettingsCast, Save, and ShareInstall. Love it now!

Is there an ability to have a persistent database with IDX (as in a local DB)? Could make a new topic but small question as I kick things off. Took a template and set it up with Vite and Express :heartpulse:

I got problem with using on browser too, using Firefox so cannot even type “Cmd - Shift - P” to open command panel. And there are many more conflicts like closing tabs, etc…

Thank you, this works.

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