Hello, I’m facing an issue deploying to GCR. I consistently get this error message:
Deployment failed
ERROR: (gcloud.run.deploy) Unable to read the runtimes experiment config: [gs://gcp-runtime-experiments/experiments.yaml], error: Could not read [<googlecloudsdk.api_lib.storage.storage_util.ObjectReference object at 0x7ec0bcd22490>]
Here’s what I’ve tried so far:
Created a new project on GCR and attempted the deployment again—same error.
Created a new workspace and tried deploying to the new project—same error persists.
The Google Cloud SDK installation is managed by an external package manager, so I cannot update using gcloud components update.
I also tried updating the nix file with pkgs.google-cloud-sdk but that didnt help
Is there a known issue with deployments to GCR, or are there any alternative solutions I can try? Thank you for your assistance.
Hello, I’m currently on the stable-23.11 channel. I don’t believe the issue is related to the channel, as deployments aren’t working even on a new workspace.
Additionally, someone I know tried deploying and encountered the same problem.