How do I display my html page in the preview panel? ✅ SOLVED

Hi there,
Question says it all, I can’t figure out a way to display my html page (named form.html) in the IDX preview panel on the right.
Any idea, please? Thanks

You can install “live server” extension and start a preview server for the html page!

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Thanks! I thought it would open in the IDX preview panel but it opens a new browser tab, just like by running a localhost:3000
Better than nothing.

You would need to define which page you want executed via the dev.nix file in the preview section… not quite sure how to do it for vanilla html pages though

From the documentation I’ve done this:

idx = {
    # enable previews
    previews = {
      enable = true;
      previews = {
        web = {
          command = [
#            "--"
#            "--port"
#            "$PORT"
#            "--host"
#            ""
#            "--disable-host-check"
          manager = "web";

But I get:

Error:     <!DOCTYPE html>
Error:     ^
Error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The Python interpreter tried to execute my form.html file as if it was a py script, giving me SyntaxError. The HTML file is executed directly by python which is wrong, no clue how to fix this.

@Fred3.0 - you can use the dev.nix contents from the plain HTML project instead:

# To learn more about how to use Nix to configure your environment
# see:
{ pkgs, ... }: {
  # Which nixpkgs channel to use.
  channel = "stable-23.11"; # or "unstable"
  # Use to find packages
  packages = [
  # Sets environment variables in the workspace
  env = {};
  idx = {
    # Search for the extensions you want on and use ""
    extensions = [
      # "vscodevim.vim"
    # Enable previews and customize configuration
    previews = {
      enable = true;
      previews = {
        web = {
          command = ["python3" "-m" "http.server" "$PORT" "--bind" ""];
          manager = "web";

That should avoid this error.

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I could not get that nix file from the template since I’ve progressed too much on my current project with a python-flask / poetry setup. But I’ve just copied the below lines that interested me and voila.

previews = {
      enable = true;
      previews = {
        web = {
          command = [ "python3" "-m" "http.server" "$PORT" "--bind" "" ];
          manager = "web";
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