seems to be not working

i’m tring to setup my flask environment on IDX. Reading the documentation (and asking to gemini) it seems that I should modify my dev.nix file to add:

     services = {
       postgresql = {
         enable = true;
         package = pkgs.postgresql_15; # Or your preferred version
         extensions = [ pkgs.postgresql_15.extensions.pgvector ];
       redis = {
         enable = true;
         package = pkgs.redis;

But when I edit and rebuild my environment (or let gemini edit and rebuild it for me) the environment goes to failsafe. Actually, the code editor linter seems to not be willing to accept
my packages contains (without failing):
I tried to switch channel to unstable but it seems to be not working.
Gemini keeps telling me that the syntax is correct, btw.


Haven’t worked with services before but looking at the docs you might need to set it up like below

services.postgres = {
extensions = [“pgvector”];
enable = true;

And the packages you need to define in the packages section like below:

{pkgs, …}: {
channel = “stable-23.11”;
packages = [pkgs.vim];

If that also doesn’t work then someone else who has worked with packages might be able to assist…
