Issue using PowerShell in Vscode

Hello everyone,

I am new to the world of coding and am not super duper technical. I will try to be as thorough as possible. I am doing a AWS course and am saving some scripts to a github repo that I am using Project IDX to update. I installed Powershell in the nix file and am able to open it in vscode but for some reason everytime I type something it begins adding additional letters and is not following my input at all.

For example if I wanted to write the word clear, this is what would appear: cclclecleaclear

I installed the Powershell Vscode extension in hopes that its configurations would fix it and unfortunately no luck. The nix package installer has it running 7.4.0.

Keep in mind:

-All other shells are working fine

-Keyboard is working fine

-I already tried clearing cache and rebuilding the environment.

Please let me know if anybody has any suggestions or potentially even came across this. Thanks!

Hi @Aymen_Mohamed - that is an interesting one! Can’t say I’ve ever run into this.

If you try installing this extension from our marketplace, is the behavior the same? I’m trying to see if something about it being installed via Nix is causing some odd behavior.