I tried to install tkinter in my idx project.
This is my repo → GitHub - KayBeckmann/python-uebungen: hier kommen die Übungen rein, die in dem neuen Buch sind.
I try to learn a little bit python and I try to do some projects with tkinter.
How can i install it in the idx enviroment?
I tried this:
To learn more about how to use Nix to configure your environment
see: ปรับแต่งพื้นที่ทำงาน IDX | Project IDX | Google for Developers
{ pkgs, … }: {
Which nixpkgs channel to use.
channel = “stable-23.11”; # or “unstable”
Use NixOS Search to find packages
packages = [
# pkgs.go
# pkgs.nodejs_20
# pkgs.nodePackages.nodemon
Sets environment variables in the workspace
env = {};
idx = {
# Search for the extensions you want on https://open-vsx.org/ and use “publisher.id”
extensions = [
# “vscodevim.vim”
# Enable previews
previews = {
enable = true;
previews = {
# web = {
# # Example: run "npm run dev" with PORT set to IDX's defined port for previews,
# # and show it in IDX's web preview panel
# command = ["npm" "run" "dev"];
# manager = "web";
# env = {
# # Environment variables to set for your server
# PORT = "$PORT";
# };
# };
# Workspace lifecycle hooks
workspace = {
# Runs when a workspace is first created
onCreate = {
# Example: install JS dependencies from NPM
# npm-install = "npm install";
create-venv = ''
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Runs when the workspace is (re)started
onStart = {
# Example: start a background task to watch and re-build backend code
# watch-backend = "npm run watch-backend";
source = "source .venv/bin/activate";
Thanks for help