Reached IDX project limit

I’ve reached the project limit, but I need at least 15/20 projects. Can you please increase my IDX project limit?

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Hu @Munsra - just out of curiosity, what types of apps are you building? Is each project a new app, or is it supporting (ie: a backend) for another app which is part of another project?


Hi @kirupa,
I use IDX for Flutter and Angular apps for now.
Each project is a new app. I’m deleting the ones I’m not using anymore, but 5 is insufficient.
Also, I can’t wait to test Android Development on IDX :slight_smile:

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Gotcha! Please direct message me your email ID and I’ll get it updated.

Why can’t add new workspace

There is a limit of 5 per user and once you reach that you need to message Kirupa to get an increase

Why can’t I create more projects?

How many workspaces do you have currently? If it is 5, then send me DM with your email address, and I can get it increased.

Hey Kirupa !
I would love to get my limit increased to 10 workspaces.
I use idx to do highseas and so far it’s awesome!
Altough, I usually work or contribute on more than 5 projects so it’s quite limitating.
Thanks ^^

Hi Kirupa I’ll need to increase my limit to 15 should be it possible? @kirupa

Please increase mine

DM me with the email address you use to access IDX. I can get this fixed for you.

Hi Kirupa Can You increase my limit to 15 @kirupa