Setting up a development environment multi-platform

Hello everyone.
I have a SaaS running on GCP. Is an Angular front-end communicating using AJAX with a PHP back-end. The database is MariaDB.
Additionaly I have a Middleware layer with Node.js and Nest.js, for communication with providers and other GCP services.
Lastly, there are an Etherpad instance running too, serving some modules of the main platfform.
This 3 systems have its own GIT repositories and are independent development projects.
I want to use IDX to do the development of the main platform, that is the Angular/PHP/MariaDb one, but it can’t be tested without the other 2 ones running.

Can you give me some guidance of how can i set up my IDX environment to run properly with this?

Many thanks in advance.

Hi @jm_sarmiento - we released a capability to make ports publicly accessible:

That may allow you to have multiple workspaces each allowing data access between them.

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I will try it and comment my experience… :slightly_smiling_face: