Android preview not working in all my projects

the preview is just displaying idx logo in all projects. What could be the problem?

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I have exactly the same problem. No matter how many times I try to refresh or rebuild the environment, android preview keeps failing. It worked nicely and I didn’t do any code changes and now suddenly the preview just fails to start. If I start a new flutter project, everything works nicely. Just don’t want to move all my code to a new project :slight_smile:

Is there any update on this problem?

For anyone experiencing this, do you see any devices when you type adb devices in your terminal?

Android preview not working

Yes, I do see my emulator running. Edit… let’s take that back, now when I just tried my project when I woke up, adb devices doesn’t list anything, but it did eg. yesterday. And now I don’t even see the flutter (etc) logo like there was yesterday. Now there’s just an error of “unable to forward your request to a backend”

i have the same problem since yesterday the android emulator does not start.
this is the log of the idx console.

2024-10-22T07:05:17Z [android] Flutter daemon started
2024-10-22T07:05:17Z [android] No supported devices found with name or id matching 'localhost:5555'.
2024-10-22T07:05:17Z [android] The following devices were found:
2024-10-22T07:05:17Z [android] Linux (desktop) • linux • linux-x64 • IDX GNU/Linux 6.1.100+
2024-10-22T07:05:17Z [android] <IDX> ✘ Preview failed to start

i add that it is not even possible to create a new flutter workspace because when i try i receive this message:
There was an error creating the workspace. Please try again or reach out to the IDX team if the issue persists

there are no devices attached to adb.

log-4170909:~/myapp{main}$ adb devices
List of devices attached

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if, adb kill-server && adb start-server doesn’t get them back,
do a reset of the workspace, then re-open workspace and wait a bit, they should be available in a few minutes

My preview is working now, I did do a workspace reset, dunno if that helped.

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Something did happen in the past 24 hours, now it works normally. :thinking: And I lost all of my code from another project! That’s very nice!

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Same happened to me. In my current project its only showing the IDX logo no matter how many times i try to rebuild the environment.

However if i start a new project its working normally

Same thing here , any solution and of I use workspace Reset will all my code be lost

Wanted to let everyone know that we fixed an issue where emulator wasn’t starting for existing workspaces.


Yes, it’s working now, thank you so much

Still not working for me…

been a few days since i’ve started up my project, preview didn’t want to work till after a hard restart, but then the preview was very very slow, a lot slower than normal, after a workspace reset , preview took awhile to load, but was a bit more was more normal speed, but still sluggish. I guess resources are stretched thin.

I was able to run Android preview on Chrome, but Firefox and Edge ony displays IDX logo.

This issue still exists


Same here.
It was working yesterday

[android] Flutter daemon started
[android] No supported devices found with name or id matching 'localhost:5555'.
[android] The following devices were found:
[android] Linux (desktop) • linux • linux-x64 • IDX GNU/Linux 6.1.124+
[android] Flutter daemon started
[android] No supported devices found with name or id matching 'localhost:5555'.
[android] The following devices were found:
[android] Linux (desktop) • linux • linux-x64 • IDX GNU/Linux 6.1.124+
[android] <IDX> ✘ Preview failed to start
[android] <IDX> Starting preview...
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