Flutter with android emulator


when i first tried idx, the flutter android emulator was finicky but did work. now, i can not get it to work. just tried on a new template (new project based on the flutter template), and again the web preview works, but the android emulator does not.

I like idx, but without that, there is little value in it (at least for mobile dev in flutter).

could google just fix the flutter template so that it works out of the box? does it work for anyone? i’m litterally just creating a new project and i haven’t touched any code whatsoever and it doesnt work.


hey, i’m 100% with ya, imho, the emulator is lacking a lot, but it does work, and is relatively stable.

one thing i do is disable the web preview so only the android emulator is running, makes viewing the output - idx log easier to read. although that does make you need to manually launch, hard-reset, the emulator almost every time you start idx, after localhost:5555 is up, since there is a bug with it not properly doing wait-for-device. bug has been logged…

what sort of errors/msgs do you see in output-idx when in the basic flutter template?

2024-09-26T12:28:44Z [android] Reloaded 0 libraries in 181ms (compile: 8 ms, reload: 0 ms, reassemble: 94 ms).
2024-09-26T12:28:44Z [android] Reloaded 0 libraries
2024-09-26T12:28:44Z [android] <IDX> ▶️ Preview running
2024-09-26T12:29:24Z [android] Lost connection to device.
2024-09-26T12:29:24Z [android] <IDX> ✘ Preview shutdown unexpectedly
2024-09-26T12:29:45Z [android] <IDX> Starting preview...
2024-09-26T12:29:45Z [web] <IDX> Starting preview...
2024-09-26T12:29:45Z [android] Flutter daemon started
2024-09-26T12:29:45Z [web] Flutter daemon started
2024-09-26T12:29:45Z [web] Error: Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...
2024-09-26T12:29:45Z [web] 
2024-09-26T12:29:46Z [android] Launching lib/main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode...
2024-09-26T12:29:46Z [web] Launching lib/main.dart on Web Server in debug mode...
2024-09-26T12:29:46Z [android] Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
2024-09-26T12:29:46Z [web] Waiting for connection from debug service on Web Server...
2024-09-26T12:29:54Z [android] ✓ Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-debug.apk
2024-09-26T12:29:58Z [android] Syncing files to device Android SDK built for x86...
2024-09-26T12:29:59Z [android] <IDX> ▶️ Preview running
2024-09-26T12:29:59Z [android] D/eglCodecCommon( 3394): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 1 0
2024-09-26T12:30:00Z [android] D/EGL_emulation( 3394): eglMakeCurrent: 0xd8e1a240: ver 3 0 (tinfo 0xbe57bf20)
2024-09-26T12:30:00Z [android] D/eglCodecCommon( 3394): setVertexArrayObject: set vao to 0 (0) 1 0
2024-09-26T12:30:10Z [web] lib/main.dart is being served at
2024-09-26T12:30:10Z [web] The web-server device requires the Dart Debug Chrome extension for debugging. Consider using the Chrome or Edge devices for an improved development workflow.
2024-09-26T12:30:10Z [web] <IDX> ▶️ Preview running

this is all i see:

bummer, nothing unusual in the output that i see.
what happens when you try a hard-restart?
just get stuck at that screen?
or from terminal, flutter run, selecting 5555,

I suppose if you try to run debug mode, you end up at the same screen in the emulator too?

guess your gonna have to submit a bug…
