Hi there! I’ve been having a problem with one of the projects that I have. It’s a NextJs project and I’ve been working in it a lot. I made a a hard reset from the web and I got a:
Daemon not found for id: web
And the project’s web browser is not working. I tried to open the project again, log out/in but the problem still persist and I don’t know how to fix it.
I created the app with the NextJs template, it work for a while but then crashed and got that message. The other NextJs project that I have, also created with the template, works 10/10.
Sorry I have deleted the project that was giving this error. If I hit the problem again I will file a bug.
I have noticed one issue while working with idx and nextjs: if I try to install and use pnpm instead of npm I get some strange behaviour. For now I will just use npm but I would like to have the choice.