Daemon not found for id: web

Hi there! I’ve been having a problem with one of the projects that I have. It’s a NextJs project and I’ve been working in it a lot. I made a a hard reset from the web and I got a:

Daemon not found for id: web

And the project’s web browser is not working. I tried to open the project again, log out/in but the problem still persist and I don’t know how to fix it.

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Hi @alexispolak - did you create this using one of our templates, or did you use an existing app that you had already created?

I created the app with the NextJs template, it work for a while but then crashed and got that message. The other NextJs project that I have, also created with the template, works 10/10.

same issue…
any solutions ?

We had a fix rolled out for this issue. Curious if anyone is still experiencing this.

I have had this problem for a couple days

I have this issue now, project stopped working out of the blue

I got the error today for nextjs template project which was running fine. It occurred after I try to restart. Then it is not working