Do I own the code I produce on Project IDX?

Hello everyone, new user of IDX here !
Just a simple question regarding the use of it : since it’s a Preview of an IDE in the cloud, do I own the code I produce on IDX or is it own by Google directly ?

Thank you for your time and help!

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Yes — your code is your code. Do note that when using AI features, code may be used for model training, per this privacy notice.

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If some of the code has been done with the help of IDX native AI, is all the code still ours? Or how does AI-generated code affect the license of the whole code?

Hi there! Sometimes when generating code or accepting code suggestions you’ll see license citations, in which case it’s recommended you dig into the referenced source materials to determine possible implications for your app. More details and our guidance on “using generated code with caution” can be found here.

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I can’t see the licences logs :disappointed_relieved:

This seems like a strange bug. If this is continuing to happen even on new projects for you, please file a bug here:

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OK, Thank you Kirupa!