EDIT: This should be fixed now! Please reply if you are still seeing the problems described below.

Hi everyone - we are aware of the issue many of you have shared (one, two) around your non-localhost previews no longer working by throwing a “Too many redirects” error:

Thanks to a handful of you have shared detailed feedback, we have identified the likely issue and are working with the right teams on the fix.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a 100% foolproof workaround. Some of the workarounds that seem to work most of the time:

  • Copying the preview URL to your clipboard, launching an Incognito Mode browser window, signing-in to, pasting the preview URL, and navigating to it.

  • Committing your changes to a Git repo, creating a NEW workspace, and loading your files from Git again

  • Switching your app previews to use our built-in Web Previewer that uses localhost

A few workarounds that work inconsistently:

  • Clearing your cookies and reloading the browser URL

  • In the preview URL that is generated, clearing the part after the query string and reloading the page

  • Running your project build step (npm run dev, etc.) one more time and generating a new preview URL

These issues don’t always work consistently, but they are worth trying in case they solve it for you.

I do apologize for this disruption! Our goal is to reduce these types of major errors as we continue to improve Project IDX.



can you tell me how can i do this
** Switching your app previews to use our built-in Web Previewer that uses localhost **
I am making a react js app

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in IDX press (Cmd or Ctrl) + Shift + P and enter “show web view” this web view is native (localhost) and continues to work normally

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For me is fixed, thank you!:raised_hands::raised_hands:

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Yes, it should be fixed now! Please let us know if you are still seeing any issues.

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Thank you for the update. While the issue seemed resolved temporarily, it’s unfortunately happening again. I’m experiencing “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”

Yikes! That shouldn’t be happening. Can you please share your workspace with me (kirupa[at]

I appreciate your quick response. Thanks to your team, the issue has been fixed. For your reference, my project is built with React, Firebase, and Next.js. Thank you again

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It’s happening again ;(

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Hello, Im facing the same issue

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Trying to give more info about it, I’m working in a project using next.js and storybook. I installed the idx extension to have the local web browser which looks working well (A little bit slow the hot refresh but well), but Im experimenting this problem in my local browser.

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I have my project in github so I delete the workspace, create new one, and everything is working now :smiling_face_with_tear:

Next time it happens, please share your workspace to kirupa[at] and email me your workspace ID. I can help investigate.

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