Has anyone experienced the same error when opening a project in IDX as below?."

when I open my IDX project, there is an error below, maybe someone knows the solution?
idx error

Error opening workspace: IDX is currently experiencing increased load. Please come back and try again later.

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Yes, apologies for this! We are rapidly adding more capacity to get you access again. Please check https://status.idx.dev for the latest.


I blame my iPad video for the uptick.

Everything looks fine on status page, but I’m still facing the same issue for the past 4 days.

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Can you share your workspace URL? You can DM me if you prefer.

Have same error but on my ipad only, if i open on web browser mac or windows not get error

@Ryan_Pratama - to confirm, if you open the same project on your web browser, the project opens fine. The same project opened on an iPad throws the increased load error?

That’s right, for some reason, the project won’t open on the iPad, even though it works fine in the computer browser.

yup, occasionally, unfortunately.
you just got to keep trying to load your workspace.
last time it happened to me, I was able to get my workspace open after 3 tries or so in under an hour.