i want to create a backend project using a framework that isn’t available in the framework templates list like rails
I would try using the “import from repo” and use a template on github for rails or whatever other framework. Then you can further customize the exact necessary packages you need using the .idx/dev.nix file in the workspace. I think you may need to create the .idx folder and dev.nix file yourself.
I haven’t tried this myself, but it will at least be a good starting point. In theory, you should be able to get almost anything working since you have full control over the workspace packages.
- Use the blank template to get started: Project IDX
- Start customizing the dev.nix file with the packages you want to install
- Look at existing templates for inspiration and/or post your questions here if you get stuck
thanks for the replies, i tried putting the necessary packages in dev.nix file after doing both importing from repo and creating blank templates at some point I need to install all the necessary packages that I need to work with rails using ‘gem install’ or ‘bundle install’ the problem is I get an error something along the lines of “failed to build native extensions” which can be resolved with “sudo apt install build-essentials” that itself is a problem, I would appreciate if idx team added rails template, or if there are other workarounds I appreciate that too
Supporting Rails is something we are considering adding a default template for! Please upvote this entry in UserVoice to help us keep track: