I can’t enter to my workspace and it’s the only one i have, the error: Error opening workspace: We’ve detected suspicious activity on one of your workspaces. Please contact support for further assistance.
I need help please
I can’t enter to my workspace and it’s the only one i have, the error: Error opening workspace: We’ve detected suspicious activity on one of your workspaces. Please contact support for further assistance.
I need help please
I have a a similar problem, a was working with a flask aplication in python in the morning , went to chek other things for a couple of hours and when i tried to check on my workspaces i couldnt log in and marked the same error : I can’t enter to my workspace and it’s the only one i have, the error: Error opening workspace: We’ve detected suspicious activity on one of your workspaces. Please contact support for further assistance.
I also have a problem when trying to access my code, a message pop ups saying there’s suspicious activity in my account but i’m not doing anything wrong.