Regarding the upcoming support for Android Studio

I am eagerly looking forward to being able to use Android Studio from IDX. However, I have a question. Will it be possible to work with KMP applications?

Thank you and best regards.

Someone was able to get a native android application running on idx and the preview was also working on the emulator… You can search the site to find the post…

I will try and find it and update this post accordingly

Thanks! :blush:
I was primarily referring to supporting the Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) environment. If the emulator works for Flutter, I assume it would also work for KMP.

The plan is to have Android Studio running entirely in the browser, so anything you can do in Android Studio on the desktop, you should be able to do in Android Studio in the browser running on IDX.

That sounds great! Thanks!

This might be what you’re mentioning
My guess is that the poster opened a Flutter workspace, then replaced all file with a kotlin Android project.