IDX Light Client - using native macOS VS Code / Android Studio

Hi any plans to allow us to use IDX as a light client directly with native mac apps VS Code or Android Studio?

Hi @Jon_Petrie - this request comes up every now and then, but we haven’t prioritized it highly. What are you trying to do where this would be helpful?

Hi @kirupa thanks for coming back. Its a pain to do everything in Chrome as every app needs a new TAB and TABs mount up very quickly - then you get Chrome memory problems. Chrome is great for browsing the web (as web browsers were designed for) but anything else is not great at all. We asked our whole team and no one wants to write code in a browser, so its a blocker for us. Having light clients via VS Code and Android Studio streamlines things, has no memory issues, etc, etc - you just click VS Code / Android Studio and code fast - rather than trying to work out which chrome TAB has IDX in it somewhere in a pile of TABs doom… Yes we could use Chrome apps, but ive never had a good experience with them - there are slow, compatibility issues, etc, etc.

For small freelance projects IDX in a browser will probably be fine. However for serious tech startups looking to scale who are too small for Google Cloud Workstations (due to ‘fixed’ element of the pricing), IDX needs to be in VS Code / Android Studio as a light client - Google Cloud Workstations only becomes realistic when you have 100+ developers. If Google Cloud Workstations did not have the ‘fixed’ element of pricing we would have started using it when it first came out.

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