Is there something wrong whit idx?

I’m trying to get into my projects and it returns me

"Setting up workspace
Whoops… we are experiencing increased load and are spinning up a new VM for you. This may take several minutes. Check back soon. "

Doesn’t pass that step fuhther



I’m getting that too, it will eventually get to

I’ve tried multiple times over a couple of hours. not using a vpn. says :+1:

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same as @jam. Status says fine. Just gotta wait it out I guess?

same here ): any news??

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no, nothing yet. I still get the exact same response


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I’ve been stuck on this cycle for 3 hours. Kind of a bummer and a waste of an afternoon.


This is something annoying but everyone has problems (we’re all here developers). Lets have some patience and empathy with the idx team, after all, they have been created an amazing product and for free, for us


I’m with you on that. I’m cooking a steak now instead.

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Now it’s working to me. I could open my project finally

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Hi, we were running into some problems with workspaces a few hours ago but the incident should have been resolved by now. Can you check again and confirm if your workspaces are not loading for you?

Apologies for the inconvenience.


You’re right. If my code didn’t have problems I would have submit before the issues started, ha.

Here, I’ve been facing this problem for a day now.
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Is this happening again today? I can’t open it at all today

I m also getting this same problem for 2 days is there any way around

I’m having a similar problem for 2 days I can’t open my project, how is there a solution?

Mine worked fine, but it’s not been working for the last 2 hours.I cleaned cached and tried still same issue.

wasn’t able to use/access this the whole day because of this issue. Is there a way to push my current progress/code to my repo even if I can’t access the workstation?

i thinks theres no way to do that for now

IDX is using the Google Cloud Workspace, but it doesn’t really accessible than making it directly from the google cloud

so yeah…

That’s unfortunate. I guess I’ll have to wait for it then. Thanks!

No problem! I hope that this workspace issue can be fixed asap :smiley:. Because all of my important projects are in IDX, migrated from Replit (but now replit sucks, too many memory limits on the free tier)