I am unable to access my workspace. since it contains my working code, I can’t access not can I download the workspace. I also have check the status.idx.dev it shows workspaces are available but I have been unable to access workspace. its been almost 5 hours, I have been refreshing its not working.
yeah, someone already made the same issue (on the google IssueTracker) before me, but he just dosent seems to provide enough information for the error (such as the log, trace, and more). Just the browser version that he provides it to the issue
I was trying to create new issue but there were 3/4 of them so I posted here instead. Also when I create new workspace its working normally, I tried reseting the workspace it don’t seem to work as well.
Oh, i was trying to make another Dart project from the homepage yesterday, but after that the idx just showing that error. So i checked my old workspaces (project-darted, etc) and the error still persisted like that