Understanding the Relationship Between dev.nix and Project IDX Workspace

I’m using Project IDX and have created a workspace that is saved as a .code-workspace file. My project also uses Nix for environment management, and I have a dev.nix file that sets up the development environment.

However, I’m not sure how Project IDX detects and uses the dev.nix file within the workspace. When I load the workspace, it often asks for a rebuild, which makes me think it might not be finding the dev.nix file correctly.

Can someone explain how the dev.nix file should be integrated with a Project IDX workspace? Where should I place the dev.nix file, and how can I ensure that the workspace correctly detects and uses it?

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there is this doc,

Sometimes when environment rebuild wont show after editing dev.nix just doing a page refresh will get it to show up.

However, I have not observed idx requesting to rebuild the environment unless that file has been modified.