Unwanted Splash screen in web preview

I have defined the splash page parameters in pubspec.yaml.
I don’t want the splash in the web and for iOS I’m waiting for the emulator to be available in IDX so I disabled both.
Due to temporary malfunctions of the Android emulator I use the web preview which however always has a green splash that I don’t know where it comes from.

I then performed the following operations:

  • dart run flutter_native_splash:remove
  • activated the web splash in pubspec.yaml (web = true)
  • defined the white color
  • dart run flutter_native_splash:create

Following these operations the splash in the web preview is now white.
I reset the splash parameters in pubspec.yaml:
Android = true
iOS = false
Web = false
and recreated the splash with flutter_native_splash:create.
The web splash remains even if disabled, but at least now it is white. For testing it doesn’t bother me, I just want to know if it’s a normal behavior of the web emulator in IDX or if I’m doing something wrong.

Delete the splash related code from your index.html present inside the web folder.

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