Using pnpm with Project IDX

Hey there,

I am trying to use my private repo with Project IDX and with pnpm. However, I keep running into situations that cause the Project IDX extension to hang and I am not sure why it keeps going wrong. By default, Project IDX tries to use npm with dev.nix for installing packages and for running the web preview but I prefer to use pnpm and so stopped this from happening and rewrote my dev.nix file to this:

{pkgs}: {
  channel = "stable-24.05";
  packages = [
  idx.extensions = [
  idx.previews = {
    previews = {
      web = {
        command = [
        manager = "web";

However, it keeps causing my project idx setup to hang and not work properly. Is there a guide as to how I can run my Nextjs project from my repo using pnpm or do I just use npm?