Access issue (google support needed)

1st I am sorry for posting this here but I can’t find support anywhere else.
My issue is about .The issue is that I can’t enter it. It’s not because of the region because I live in 1 of the selected regions and the second thing that may be because of my age but I am over 18. back in time I made myself a family in family link and added myself as a child so I can see how it works but now at the current moment, I am a parent in that same family. Thats the only reason that I can think of that it denies me access maybe it remembers? Can anyone help me or direct me to somewhere where I can find support. Again, I am sorry for posting this here but you guys look like the most competent people.

NOTE: I tried to search for support in the aistudio forums but it says they are read-only

Hi @VulkoOnDrugs - unfortunately, we can’t help directly with AI Studio issues. Have you tried posting about this publicly, like on Twitter?

no I haven’t who should I tag/where to post

From a quick search, I might tag/message:

I made a post and tagged them and messaged them, but they don’t seem to respond do you have any other suggestions

The correct solution would have been to recommend you visit the similar “Build with Google AI” Discourse forum.

It is linked from within the Google AI Studio web application - once you can get in. It has a higher level of Google staff support visiting.

You would also want to describe exactly what “can’t enter it” means to you - what is happening when you attempt to visit the URL and then authenticate.

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so basically, when I type in the URL bar it opens the webpage,
and it says on the bottom in a red box “list model failed” (I’ll try to attach a photo) for like 1sec max and then it redirects me to Google AI Studio 和 Gemini API 的适用区域  |  Google AI for Developers. and I believe it should not do that because I am in the available regions, and I created a second google account and tried to enter from there and it worked but to always switch accounts and everything is not ok, and I want to at least know why it doesn’t let me.
I am also going to make a tread in the other discussion forums thanks for letting me know that they exist.