Cannot access workspace

Trying out IDX and no matter how I setup a project workspace, I receive the following error or similar.

**1:** The Workstation does not exist or your currently signed in account does not have access to it. <eye3 title='/Workstations.GenerateAccessToken, PERMISSION_DENIED'/> APPLICATION_ERROR;;Permission 'workstations.workstations.use' denied on 'projects/312045414151/locations/us-east4/workstationClusters/workstation-cluster-4/workstationConfigs/monospace-config/workstations/idx-demo-1733941523689' on port '80';AppErrorCode=7;StartTimeMs=1733942557483;unknown;Deadline(sec)=10.0;ResFormat=uncompressed;ServerTimeSec=0.314327294;LogBytes=256;Non-FailFast;EffSecLevel=privacy_and_integrity;ReqFormat=uncompressed;ReqID=9711204de03249ac;GlobalID=0;Server=[2002:a05:6f21:640a:b0:1b9:2caf:f87d]:4002

Does anyone know what could be going on? I’ve tried deleting the workspace and starting a new one and I still receive the same error.

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Was using Firefox 133.0.3 initially, and switched over to Edge 131.0.2903.86 and I can load a workspace now.

Now I’m having issues with Edge. Is there something on the remote side that could be causing these permissions issues?

Try chrome - solved many issues for me

I’m facing the same issue