IDX Godot Game Engine support

If I understand it correctly, IDX runs modified VS Codium and/or Android Studio depending on the project?

So it means that IDX is not tied to specific editor.

If true, then I would like to see IDX Godot support.

  1. Godot already has a game engine running in the browser: Godot Engine Web Editor (4.3.stable.official) ← you can see it by yourself.
  2. Godot is open-source, MIT licensed, just like VS Codium.
  3. Godot is the fastest growing Game Engine, especially after Unity fiasco.

I personally also use Godot, and I think Godot in IDX would make IDX complete. Maybe reboot some Stadia capabilities, to test and run IDX games in the cloud, you really have something impressive.

IDX is designed currently to use Code-OSS (the same editor as VS Code). We will be supporting Android Studio in the near future where it is fully Android Studio (no modification of it).

I am not familiar with Godot, but if you can configure it to work inside VS Code (via an extension maybe?), then you may be able to modify dev.nix to have IDX work well with it. Something to consider.